Thursday, July 14, 2011

Perhaps I Should Rethink this Schedule Thing...

I haven't exactly been keeping up with my schedule, now have I? *shakes head* I'm thinking of changing it to a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule since I'm off on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and technically have time to write in between work and rehearsals. (Therefore pre-setting my posts for M/W/F mornings.) But right now, I'm still adjusting to this new schedule and hope to get into a blogging rhythm soon. *shrugs*

However I have been catching up with my reading! I'm only 5 books behind in my reading challenge for this year. I'm 3/4 of the way through one book and just started another...and have at least 10 more in my "to read next" pile. It literally is a pile of books sitting on my desk, reminding me that I need to read them. (Half are library books so I definitely need to read them before their due dates.) Next post I promise I'll have several book reviews/recommendations...

And speaking of books, a blogger I follow (Karen Amanda Hooper) just got a book deal for her first novel "Tangled Tides"! *squee* Go check out her site and join in her celebration. Psst! She's having a great book giveaway. ;D

Also check out these other awesome giveaways (I found these sites through Karen) @ Natalie Bahm's blog, Alexandra Shostak's blog, and the Babbling Flow blog. So many little time! =)


  1. I struggle to keep up with a blogging schedule too! I'm doing Mondays and Wednesdays for a while, but I'll probably get back to once a week sooner or later.

    And YAY for Karen! I'm so excited for her!

  2. Thanks for the comment and for stopping by here at my lil' blog. =)
