Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Updates and Inspiration

Enjoy reading my blog? Then go check out these other great bloggers and their fantastic giveaways!

Roni Loren @ fictiongroupie.blogspot.com – Roni is celebrating her two-year blog anniversary and all the great things she has accomplished in the mean time. =D She’s giving away several different prize packages, so go enter for a chance to win.

Alexandra Shostak @ alexandrashostak.blogspot.com – Alexandra still has several awesome ARCs to give away from ALA. 8 of them in fact! O.O Go check out her blog for your chance to win one of the four themed packages.


Now back to our regularly scheduled program for another late night post from this busy teacher/costumer/writer gal…*wink*

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Books and Bloggers

(Sorry about no post since last week...but I did spend some time on Tuesday updating my blog look and finally creating an "about me" page. Curious who I am? Curious about my blogger moniker? Click the "about me" tab to find out!)

I was going to write this post sooner, but I took a nap before rehearsal instead and lost my "free time for writing" window. Oops…*shrugs* oh well. I know I promised you book reviews this post, but first I want to share a few things with you.

First, earlier this week I finally received my ARC of Michelle Davidson Argyle’s “Monarch”. *squee* Here’s a picture of me shortly after I opened the package:

Michelle is doing a blog tour to promote her new book (coming out in September) and I signed up! So definitely stay tuned for my review and post about her suspense spy thriller in September. And until then, go check out her blog and see why I think she’s awesome. 

And speaking of awesome, another blogger I follow (Laura Diamond) is holding a great contest to celebrate for follower numbers. She reached her 500 twitter followers (in fact, she surpassed it) and is super close to reaching 300 blog followers. She’s offering writing critiques and free books! Yay for both! Check out her blog as well!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Perhaps I Should Rethink this Schedule Thing...

I haven't exactly been keeping up with my schedule, now have I? *shakes head* I'm thinking of changing it to a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule since I'm off on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and technically have time to write in between work and rehearsals. (Therefore pre-setting my posts for M/W/F mornings.) But right now, I'm still adjusting to this new schedule and hope to get into a blogging rhythm soon. *shrugs*

However I have been catching up with my reading! I'm only 5 books behind in my reading challenge for this year. I'm 3/4 of the way through one book and just started another...and have at least 10 more in my "to read next" pile. It literally is a pile of books sitting on my desk, reminding me that I need to read them. (Half are library books so I definitely need to read them before their due dates.) Next post I promise I'll have several book reviews/recommendations...

And speaking of books, a blogger I follow (Karen Amanda Hooper) just got a book deal for her first novel "Tangled Tides"! *squee* Go check out her site and join in her celebration. Psst! She's having a great book giveaway. ;D

Also check out these other awesome giveaways (I found these sites through Karen) @ Natalie Bahm's blog, Alexandra Shostak's blog, and the Babbling Flow blog. So many books...so little time! =)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Unforeseen Opportunities

So...life has a funny way of throwing you curve balls when you least expect it. (Of course, isn’t that the point of a curve ball?) Sometimes these “curve balls” can be bad or good, annoying or delightful, boring yet unavoidable or exciting yet terrifying (as in my case).

You see, I was just offered the opportunity to teach the morning theatre arts class for the creative arts camp I work for…and I accepted! So now I’ll be teaching the Monday & Wednesday afternoon technical theatre class as well as the Tuesday & Thursday morning performance theatre class. Yay—oh, wait…

Remember what I said about having a lot on my plate in my last post...*sigh*

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Our Heroine Makes a Triumph Return

I’m back! I apologize for my lengthy and unplanned hiatus, but life has been rather hectic for me lately. Of course, hasn't everyone’s lives been a little hectic these days?

With school letting out (I mentioned I was a substitute teacher before, right?) and summer starting, I thought I would have time to fulfill my resolutions of writing more, reading more, and keeping up with this lil’ blog of mine. But this hasn't been the case. School being out has only led to me taking on more activities that keep me away from my home, my computer, and my books. This isn't a bad thing though because I’m enjoying these activities. I just realized I need to get my act in gear and make time since it seems I’ll be forever busy.