Wow! 2010 has just flown by! So many things have happened and changed over this year, and not just in my life but in the world as a whole. And like many bloggers today, my entry will be about my “New Year’s Resolutions.” I typical don’t make resolutions merely because I often make them too unachievable or forget about them completely halfway through January. But this year, I figured that if I wrote them down on my blog, I’d probably remember them and would be more inclined to follow them since I could then give a sort of status update on them throughout the year and/or in next December. So here are my realistic resolutions for 2011!
More Traditional and Serious Resolutions
- Be Healthier: not just in what I eat or losing weight (which I both need to do), but I also need to get more sleep, exercise more, and clean/organize the house more often (mostly with dishes and laundry).
- Get a Job: I’m currently substitute teaching with hopes of getting a full-time teaching job for the 2011-2012 school year. I need to finish all my tests, certification paperwork, and start filling out applications again to get a job for the Fall.
- Save Money: I go out to eat or buy trivia stuff too often and I need to curve this habit for the upcoming year. I need to start saving money for future things like an apartment or new car (or even fun things like a new computer or Playstation 3).
More Personal and Fun Resolutions
- Write More: I joined the "750 Words" site to help motivate me to write daily (I even joined their January challenge for more motivation) because if I’m ever going to get something published, I have to finish it. So I need to write at least 750 words or more a day (which equals about 1 hour worth of time). Participating in NaNoWriMo helped me get back into the writing habit and now I need to continue it because I really do enjoy it.
- Blog More: I restarted this blog a while back and was doing better for a bit, but now I need to get back into the habit of writing on it (and writing more about writing, sewing, or my film/theatre work). I only just recently discovered the ability to pre-schedule blog posts on here, so I’m going to try and use this feature more often. I’m probably not going to get into a definite set schedule, but I’m hoping for posting something at least once a week.
- Read More: I love reading, but due to my changing jobs and general schedule, I haven’t been reading as much as I used to read. I need to fix this issue since it’s just as important to read as it is to write for a writer. Plus there are so many good books I kept buying or checking out from the library and all they do is collect dust on my book shelves or desk.
There are several other things I could add onto this list (and maybe I will down the road), but I want to keep these resolutions realistic and obtainable for myself. These goals are things that are completely within my control. Well, the “get a job” one also requires a school to hire me, but all the preparations for getting interviews that could lead to a job are within my control. =)
Hope everyone has a fun and safe time tonight…and a fun and safe in 2011! Happy New Year, everyone!
We have some identical goals/resolutions! Here's to our mutual success in 2011!