Saturday, August 28, 2010

Adventures in Babysitting...and Apron Making!

First...does anyone remember that movie? Adventures in Babysitting? I love that movie and hadn't seen it in a while. Hmm...I must add it to my Netflix list. Sorry, got lost in my own thoughts for a moment. Anywho...

Last night I babysat for two of the world's cutest little girls! They are so adorable and smart. I know the family though the preschool I used to work at. I helped in the younger girl's class when I first started at the school, but then became the older girl's teacher in the Pre-K class. Both girls formed a quick attachment to me and when I left the school to pursue other things, their mom asked for my contact info so I could babysit for them. A few weeks ago, the mom called and was so thrilled that I said I'd love to babysit for them!

I was greeted at the front door by screaming little munchkins, tackling my legs with hugs. After they finished their dinner, we spent the evening reading books, playing a few board games, singing songs, and having tickle fights. Then it was time for bed and we only had one little fuss when the three-year-old suddenly realized her mommy and daddy weren't there.Perhaps she thought they were hiding in the garage the whole time? *shrugs* I don't know! But the fuss was over soon enough when she decided to give me a tour of all her toys in their toy room and her bedroom. Once the girls were asleep, I finished cleaning up the dinner dishes and the books/toys in the living room...and still had 2 hours to sit and read (while listening out for the girls, if they woke up and needed anything) before their parents got home. It was super easy and super fun! I had missed that family and I was glad to visit with them again.

But before my babysitting adventures started, I spent the most the late morning and afternoon working on my apron-making projects. Only then did I realized just much how ribbon I need to trim the edges of each apron...5 yards! O.o And most of the ribbon stools I had only had 3 yards on them. *sigh* So after a little trip to Hobby Lobby (I swear those employees should recognize me on sight by now), I got all the ribbon I needed to finish the three aprons I'm currently working on. And I even found some fabric to make another apron in the discount fabric bin. Woo-hoo! Here are some "in-process" pictures of the first apron I working on, followed by the fabric/ribbon for the other three aprons I need to make:

An "in-process" shot of my first apron attempt
This fabric/ribbon is for an apron for a friend of mine
This fabric/ribbon is for an apron for her mom
This fabric/ribbon is for a teacup-themed apron that I want to use to practice my fabric paint decoration skills
 Well, that's all for now...I'll post more apron pics once I finish them. Until then...

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